CEMAPRE is an advanced research centre devoted to Applied Mathematics with emphasis on problems coming from Economics, Management and Finance. It is unique in the Portuguese research panorama in what concerns its range of research profiles and interests. Our members' present research interests include the following areas:
  • Actuarial Sciences
  • Applied Economics
  • Combinatorial Game Theory
  • Control Theory
  • Differential Equations
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Econometrics and Time Series
  • Mathematical Finance
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Operations Research
  • Statistics
  • Stochastic Analysis
CEMAPRE was founded in 1984 with juridical personality since 1994, and it is based at ISEG's Department of Mathematics, University of Lisbon.

Partially funded by

Project CEMAPRE/REM - UIDB/05069/2020 financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds.